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The following are useful links:

The National Waste Collection Permit Office:


Department of the Environment:


Environmental Protection Agency:


My Waste:


Stop Food Waste:


Environmental  Business Supports​:

www.greenbusiness.ie This resource gives free assistance to companies through on-line tools, telephone helpline or on-site support.


www.ecomerit.ie The EcoMerit Programme for businesses provides review visits and guidance regarding energy, water and waste and related cost savings. Businesses can achieve EcoMerit certification based on specific environmental criteria.

www.leanbusinessireland.ie Enterprise Ireland lean and green website which provides useful information and guides, as well as details of environmental supports for Enterprise Ireland clients.

www.greenhospitality.ie The Green Hospitality Programme provides Resource Efficiency Advice, Support and Consulting to the Tourism & Hospitality sector across Ireland. GHP.ie also offers an environmental certification programme which is the only Irish developed certification standard for the whole hospitality sector.

www.tgbn.ie The Tipperary Green Business Network provides information and activities that help keep its members up to date in the latest Resource Efficiency best practices.

Upcycling & Reuse:



Local authorities of the Southern Waste Region:

www.carlow.ie @Carlow_Co_Co

www.clarecoco.ie @ClareCoCo

www.corkcity.ie @corkcitycouncil

www.corkcoco.ie @Corkcoco

www.kerrycoco.ie @countykerry

www.kilkennycoco.ie @KilkennyNotices

www.limerick.ie @LimerickCouncil

www.tipperarycoco.ie @TipperaryCoCo

www.waterfordcouncil.ie @WaterfordCounci

www.wexford.ie/ @wexfordcoco

Staff Details

Ursula Aherne

Ursula Ahern, Executive Scientist

Ursula Ahern is the technical officer for the Southern Region Waste Management Office and is involved in data gathering and validation, preparing technical guidance and reports and procuring technical services. She also provides support to Local authorities to meet their responsibilities under the plan.  Ursula also assists in the circular economy transition programme. 

Philippa King

Philippa King, Regional Waste Coordinator

Philippa King has overall responsibility for managing the Regional Waste Management Office and managing the development and implementation of the “National Waste Management Plan for a  Circular Economy including the Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment. Philippa represents the Southern Region on National committees and National working groups.

Pauline Mc Donogh

Pauline McDonogh, Acting Senior Executive Scientist

Pauline McDonogh is acting Senior Executive Scientist with the regional waste planning Office. Pauline’s work across the region is focusing on the challenge of transitioning to a circular economy. Pauline engages with all stakeholders including academic institutions, commercial and industrial facilities, civic organisations. Contact Pauline if you are looking for assistance on commercial waste,  the circular economy or any of the national campaigns on www.mywaste.ie

Carol Sweetnam

Carol Sweetnam, Historic Landfill Officer

Carol Sweetnam is involved in co-ordinating the implementation of the roadmap for progressing the environmental risk assessment, authorisation and remediation of historic landfills within the Southern Waste Region & Connacht-Ulster Waste Region. 


Annette Hesketh

Annette Hesketh, Administration Support

Annette Hesketh provides administration support to the Southern Region Waste Management Office staff for both technical and non-technical issues